Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited (AIBL) has distributed relief materials among the Two Thousand helpless and distressed families affected by recent floods in Chattogram. Under its Social Responsibility Program (CSR) on 24 August 2023, Thursday Managing Director and CEO of the Bank Farman R. Chowdhury distributed relief to the affected families in the adjacent areas of the Dohazari branch. Mayor of Dohazari Municipality Md. Lokman Hakim was present at the program.

Among others Chattogram Zonal Head and Senior Executive Vice President Mohammad Azam, Senior Assistant Vice President Md. Arifur Rahman, Dohazari branch Manager Mohammad Osman, senior officials, local public representatives and dignitaries were present in the relief distribution ceremony. Besides, relief will be distributed among the affected families through Pekua and Paduabazar branch.