Al-Arafah Islami Bank (AIB) PLC. has opened 220th branch at Atwari of Panchagarh on Thursday, 4th July. Managing Director and CEO of the Bank Farman R. Chowdhury inaugurated the new Branch as Chief Guest.

Atwari Upazila Chairman Advocate Anisur Rahman, BCIC dealer and mill chatal and brick kiln owner Md. Khalilur Rahman, SK Cold Storage owner Md. Delwar Hossain, Prominent Businessman Mr. Kamlesh Chandra Ghosh, Syan Cold Storage Managing Director Samsujjoha Ahammed and Senior Executive Vice President of the Bank Engr. Md. Habib Ullah spoke at the branch opening ceremony.

Bogura Zonal Head and Executive Vice President A. N. M. Mufidul Islam presided over the ceremony. Executive Vice President and Head of PRD Jalal Ahmed conducted the ceremony. A large number of local people and well-wishers were present in the inauguration ceremony. Atwari Branch Manager Md. Jahedul Islam thanked the audience.

Managing Director and CEO of the Bank Farman R Chowdhury stated that socio-economic development is possible along with halal business management through Islamic Banking System. Islamic Banking System has already been succeeded proving that. With all the latest Banking services, Al-Arafah Islami Bank will assist the development of this area, Insha-Allah.